Thursday 16 February 2017

MBA education and transferability of knowledge

I have been asked to provide some ideas on the following theme:

"MBA education and transferability of knowledge"

So, I offer my ideas as follows:

1. MBA education focus is on business knowledge application (e.g. subjects such as applied business research); learning objectives of MBA subjects emphasize analysis on real-world management practices and examples. This focus  and learning objectives endorses transferability of management knowledge to management practices.
2. MBA education stresses effective problem-solving, leadership and innovation; overall, MBA education is attentive to learning how to transfer management knowledge in order to make highly positive (e.g., strategic) impacts on business performance in contemporary business settings.
3. MBA education teaches multiple management disciplines in a multi- and trans-disciplinary learning and research mode. This mode enables MBA graduates to cope with real-world complex business problems in a holistic and creative way. Management knowledge so transferred has high actionable value.
4. MBA education adopts realistic case study and peer-group learning which is highly relevant to build up effective problem-solving skills. Such problem-solving skills is informed by management knowledge such that MBA graduates become scholar-practitioners. Scholar-practitioners can think in academic and practical terms in coping with real-world management problems. By definition, scholar-practitioners possess transferable management skills in order to be scholar-practitioners.
5. MBA alumni associations and mentoring schemes  provide a favourable networking infrastructure for MBA graduates to apply ("transfer") management knowledge to practices, promoting career success, life satisfaction and employability to MBA graduates as a result.

1 comment:

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