An examination of the literature review exercise of an academic article: for MBA students [information from]
The article name: "Opening the black box of transition towards a sustainable business model" Long Range Planning.
My question 1: "What are the research objectives of the article?"
The reply: "The research objectives of the article are as follows:
Explore Mechanisms for Transition: The study aims to investigate the mechanisms that facilitate the transition of traditional business models to sustainable business models (SBMs).
Focus on Value Components: It emphasizes the need to transform all components of the business model—value creation, value delivery, and value capture—in a consistent manner when transitioning towards sustainability.
Contextual Examination: The research examines the specific context of three traditional industries in Finland (mining, paper production, and shipbuilding) to gain insights into their sustainability transitions.
Identify Intervention Points and Outcomes: The study aims to identify key intervention points and the potential outcomes of transforming business models towards sustainability.
Contribute to Literature: By deriving an integrative model, the research intends to contribute to the literature on sustainability transitions and dynamic views of business models.
These objectives aim to deepen the understanding of how companies can systematically approach and implement changes for sustainable practices , ."
My question 2: "What are the academic theories employed in the study?"
The reply: "The study employs several academic theories and frameworks to support its analysis of the transition towards sustainable business models (SBMs):
CIMO Framework: This framework stands for Context, Intervention points, Mechanisms, and Outcomes. It is used to structure the investigation of the transition mechanisms and to provide a systematic way to understand the dynamics involved in transitioning to SBMs , .
Mechanism-based Theorizing: The research utilizes mechanism-based theorizing, referencing works by Pajunen (2008) and Hedström and Swedberg (1998). This approach helps to unpack the intricate details of how business model transitions occur, focusing on the interconnectedness of various business model components , .
Business Model Literature: The study references various definitions and perspectives on business models, including those by Lambert and Davidson (2013), Timmers (1998), and Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010). This theoretical grounding helps to establish a comprehensive understanding of business models and their evolution towards sustainability , .
Dynamic Capabilities Framework: While not explicitly named, the study's focus on the need for organizations to adapt and innovate in their business models aligns with theories related to dynamic capabilities in organizational change and adaptation .
These theories collectively provide a robust conceptual framework for analyzing business model transitions in the context of sustainability."
My question 3: "Did the article evaluate these academic theories individually in its literature review effort?"
The reply: "The article does not evaluate each academic theory individually in a traditional literature review format. Instead, it provides a synthesis of various theoretical perspectives that are relevant to understanding business models and their transition to sustainability.
Theoretical Discussion: The beginning of the article presents a theoretical discussion that outlines the conceptual underpinnings of business models (BMs), transitions, and sustainable business models (SBMs) without extensively deconstructing each theory. Instead, it acknowledges the varying definitions and perspectives on business models from different scholars, indicating a broader view rather than a detailed critique of each individual theory , .
Reference to Mechanism-Based Reasoning: While the article refers to mechanism-based theorizing and the role of specific frameworks like CIMO, it primarily focuses on how these frameworks aid in understanding the transition process rather than developing a detailed individual assessment of each theory's merits or limitations , .
Contextual Integration: The study integrates these theories within the context of empirical findings from the three industrial settings examined (mining, paper production, and shipbuilding), suggesting that the focus is more on applying theoretical insights to practical scenarios rather than engaging in a systematic literature evaluation of each theory , .
Overall, the literature review in the article is more about establishing a foundation for understanding the research focus rather than conducting an individual evaluation of each academic theory."
My question 4: "Did the article conduct literature synthesis on these academic theories?"
The reply: "Yes, the article conducts a synthesis of various academic theories related to business models and sustainability transitions. However, the synthesis is not presented as a detailed critique of each theory individually; rather, it integrates insights from multiple sources to construct a cohesive understanding of the concepts surrounding sustainable business models (SBMs).
Conceptual Underpinnings: The article acknowledges the diverse definitions and perspectives on business models as noted by different scholars, such as Lambert and Davidson (2013) and Timmers (1998). This helps to illustrate the complexity and varying interpretations within the literature, thereby synthesizing these perspectives into a framework for discussing BMs in the context of sustainability .
Framework Integration: The CIMO framework is presented as a structuring tool to analyze the transition towards SBMs, allowing the study to pull together various mechanistic insights from the literature on sustainability transitions. This reflects a synthesis where various theoretical elements are woven together to support the research objectives , .
Tension and Dynamics: The article also highlights the dynamics and inherent tensions in transitioning to SBMs, synthesizing various scholarly insights to articulate how these tensions impact organizational processes. This synthesis adds depth to the understanding of the transitions and the role of different stakeholders in the process , .
Connection to Empirical Findings: The theoretical synthesis is further complemented by empirical findings from the industries studied, linking the conceptual frameworks to real-world applications and demonstrating how the theoretical insights translate into practice , .
In summary, while the article does not conduct a methodical literature synthesis in the traditional sense, it effectively synthesizes key theories and insights to inform its exploration of sustainable business models and their transitions."
My question 5: "Did the article discuss how these academic theories could inform the research method designs in the study?"
The reply: "Yes, the article discusses how academic theories inform the research method designs in the study, particularly through the application of the CIMO framework and the decision to adopt a qualitative, multiple-case study approach.
CIMO Framework: The article employs the CIMO framework (Context, Intervention, Mechanism, and Outcome) to structure the analysis of transitions towards sustainable business models (SBMs). This framework informs the research design by guiding the identification of relevant contexts and mechanisms involved in the transition process. By articulating the elements of the framework, the study can systematically investigate how firms transition from traditional business models to SBMs, thereby linking theoretical insights directly to methodological choices , .
Qualitative Multiple-Case Study: The researchers justify the use of a qualitative, multiple-case study strategy based on the exploratory nature of their research question and the need for an in-depth understanding of the transition mechanisms. They refer to the case study approach as apt for capturing the complexities of change within specific contexts, which is grounded in the theoretical discussions on business model transitions. This reflects how theoretical perspectives on business model dynamics and transitions influenced the methodological choices , .
Context Selection: The selection of industries for the case studies (mining, paper production, and shipbuilding) is informed by the theoretical understanding that these sectors are traditionally associated with unsustainable practices and thus are primed for significant change. This selection aligns with the theoretical discussions on the need for substantial transitions in environmentally detrimental industries, demonstrating the direct impact of literature on research design , .
Data Collection and Analysis: The article describes the data collection methods, including interviews and secondary archival data, emphasizing how these methods were designed to gather rich, contextual insights that would lend themselves to the theoretical frameworks being applied. The systematic combining of empirical data with theoretical insights during data analysis reflects the iterative nature of qualitative research inspired by theoretical frameworks .
Overall, the article clearly illustrates how academic theories informed its research method designs by guiding the selection of frameworks, case contexts, and methodological approaches."
My question 6: "Did the article explain how the academic theories used can help in addressing the research objectives?"
The reply: "Yes, the article explains how the academic theories used support addressing the research objectives.
Mechanism-Based Theorizing: The article discusses the adoption of mechanism-based theorizing as a way to unpack the complexities of transitioning to sustainable business models (SBMs). By focusing on the interactions among various components (such as value creation, capture, and delivery), the theoretical framework allows researchers to identify specific mechanisms and processes that facilitate or hinder this transition. This theoretical grounding directly addresses the research objective of understanding how firms can effectively shift to sustainable practices within their business models , .
CIMO Framework Application: Utilizing the CIMO framework provides a structured approach to explore the contexts, interventions, mechanisms, and outcomes associated with SBM transitions. This framework helps clarify how different interventions can lead to successful outcomes in varying contexts, thus directly supporting the research objective of examining and theorizing on the transition processes within selected industries , .
Identifying Tensions: Theories regarding the inherent tensions in transitioning to sustainability are also highlighted. The article posits that understanding these tensions—derived from existing scholarly literature—enables firms to anticipate and manage challenges during their transitions, thereby aligning with the research objective of exploring the dynamics and complexities involved in moving towards SBMs .
Contribution to Existing Literature: By differentiating between business models with sustainability as an added feature versus those that integrate sustainability into core processes, the article clarifies theoretical distinctions that are crucial for advancing knowledge in the field. This clarity addresses the research objective of contributing to the literature on sustainable business models and providing actionable insights for practitioners , .
In summary, the article effectively articulates how the employed academic theories help in achieving the research objectives by providing frameworks for understanding mechanisms of change, identifying contextual factors, and exploring the tensions that influence the transition to SBMs."