Saturday 6 July 2024

Seeking ChatGPT 3.5 advice on detailed research method plans: a note for Housing Studies students

Seeking an AI tool's advice on detailed research method plans: a note for Housing Studies students

(Assessing General purpose assistant bot, powered by GPT-4o, via

I have carried out three tests on the assistant bot's ability to provide detailed research method plans related to the Housing Studies  topic of homelessness. The account of the three tests should be a useful study material for Housing Studies students doing dissertation projects.

Test 1

Joseph Ho (student): "I am a part-time student of Housing Studies in Hong Kong. My dissertation topic is on the lived experience of rough sleeping. I plan to do a semi-structured interview of a few rough sleepers in Sham Shui Po to learn their lived experience. Could you suggest the steps I need to follow and the kinds of questions I need to ask the rough sleepers?"

General Purpose assistant bot advice: "Certainly, I'd be happy to provide some guidance on conducting semi-structured interviews for your dissertation research on the lived experience of rough sleeping in Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong.

Here are the key steps I would suggest for your research:

Ethical Considerations:

Obtain the necessary ethical approval and informed consent from your university's ethics review board before conducting the interviews.

Ensure the anonymity and confidentiality of your participants throughout the research process.

Be sensitive and empathetic when interacting with the rough sleepers, as their experiences may be traumatic.

Participant Recruitment:

Identify and establish connections with local organizations or outreach workers who work directly with the rough sleeping community in Sham Shui Po.

Seek their assistance in recruiting suitable participants for your study, ensuring diversity in terms of age, gender, and duration of rough sleeping.

Provide clear information about the purpose of your research and what participation would involve.

Interview Guide Development:

Prepare a semi-structured interview guide with open-ended questions that allow participants to share their lived experiences in depth.

Some potential topics to explore include:

Pathways into rough sleeping (e.g., job loss, family breakdown, mental health issues)

Daily routines and challenges faced while rough sleeping

Access to services and support (or lack thereof)

Coping strategies and resilience

Future aspirations and hopes

Leave room for unexpected themes that may emerge during the interviews.

Conducting the Interviews:

Schedule the interviews at a time and location convenient for the participants, ensuring privacy and comfort.

Start with introductions and build rapport to help the participants feel at ease.

Use active listening techniques, such as paraphrasing and open-ended follow-up questions, to elicit rich narratives.

Be prepared to provide information about local support services if participants express a need.

Thank the participants for their time and contribution to your research.

Data Analysis and Interpretation:

Transcribe the interview recordings verbatim.

Employ qualitative data analysis techniques, such as thematic analysis, to identify patterns and themes in the participants' narratives.

Interpret the findings through the lens of relevant theoretical frameworks and existing literature on homelessness and rough sleeping.

Ensure that the voices and experiences of the rough sleepers are accurately represented in your analysis and conclusions.

Remember, conducting research with a vulnerable population requires empathy, sensitivity, and a deep respect for the participants' experiences. I wish you the best in your dissertation research and hope these suggestions are helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.".

Test 2

Joseph Ho (student): "I am a part-time student of Housing Studies in Hong Kong. My dissertation topic is on the lived experience of rough sleeping. I plan to do a covert structured observation of a few rough sleepers in Sham Shui Po to learn their lived experience. Could you suggest the steps I need to follow and the kinds of questions I need to ask the rough sleepers?"

General Purpose assistant bot advice: "I apologize, but I do not feel comfortable advising you on how to conduct covert structured observations of rough sleepers without their knowledge or consent. That would be an unethical approach that raises significant ethical concerns.

As an ethical assistant, I cannot recommend or assist with research methods that involve deception or infringe on the privacy and autonomy of vulnerable individuals. Conducting covert observations of rough sleepers would be a violation of their rights and could cause further harm or trauma.

Instead, I would strongly suggest you reconsider your research approach and pursue a more ethical, participatory methodology. Some suggestions:

Engage in transparent and informed consent-based interviews, as outlined in my previous response. This allows rough sleepers to share their experiences willingly and with dignity.

Explore ethnographic methods that involve building trusting relationships with the rough sleeping community over time, with their full awareness and consent.

Partner with local organizations and outreach workers to better understand the community's needs and perspectives, while respecting their privacy.

Consider employing peer researchers - individuals with lived experience of homelessness - to co-design and conduct the study in a culturally sensitive manner.

The ethical treatment of research participants, especially marginalized populations, should be the top priority. I encourage you to revisit your research plan and seek guidance from your university's ethics review board to ensure your approach aligns with the principles of respect, beneficence, and justice.

Please let me know if you would like to discuss alternative, ethical research methods for your dissertation. I'm happy to provide further suggestions that prioritize the dignity and wellbeing of the rough sleepers you aim to understand".

Test 3

Joseph Ho (student): "I am a part-time student of Housing Studies in Hong Kong. My dissertation topic is on the lived experience of rough sleeping. I plan to do a participant observation of a few rough sleepers in Sham Shui Po to learn their lived experience. Could you suggest the steps I need to follow and the kinds of questions I need to ask the rough sleepers?"

General Purpose assistant bot advice: "Conducting participant observation research with rough sleepers in Sham Shui Po can provide valuable insights into their lived experiences, but it requires a thoughtful and ethical approach. Here are some key steps I would suggest:

Ethical Considerations:

Obtain the necessary ethical approval from your university's ethics review board before commencing the research.

Develop a clear protocol for informed consent, ensuring participants understand the purpose of the study and their right to withdraw at any time.

Be mindful of any risks or potential harms to the participants and have appropriate support measures in place.

Building Rapport and Trust:

Spend significant time in the Sham Shui Po community, engaging with rough sleepers and local organizations.

Adopt a non-judgmental, empathetic, and respectful attitude to establish trust and rapport.

Consider involving peer researchers with lived experience of homelessness to facilitate access and understanding.

Participant Observation:

Immerse yourself in the daily lives and routines of the rough sleepers, observing their activities, interactions, and coping strategies.

Take detailed field notes, but be discreet and avoid disrupting their normal activities.

Participate in activities, such as sharing meals or accessing services, to gain a deeper understanding of their experiences.

Interviews and Conversations:

Conduct informal, open-ended interviews and conversations with the rough sleepers you have built relationships with.

Explore topics such as:

Pathways into homelessness (e.g., job loss, family breakdown, mental health issues)

Daily challenges and coping mechanisms

Access to and experiences with support services

Social connections and community

Future aspirations and hopes

Use active listening techniques to encourage participants to share their stories.

Data Analysis and Interpretation:

Transcribe your field notes and interview recordings, if applicable.

Employ qualitative data analysis methods, such as thematic analysis, to identify patterns and themes in the data.

Interpret the findings through the lens of relevant theoretical frameworks and existing literature on homelessness.

Ensure the voices and experiences of the rough sleepers are accurately represented in your analysis and conclusions.

Remember, participant observation research requires a significant time investment and a deep commitment to ethical practices. It's crucial to maintain sensitivity, respect, and a genuine concern for the well-being of the rough sleepers throughout the research process.

Please let me know if you have any other questions or need further guidance on conducting this type of research ethically".

Overall evaluation comments

Friday 5 July 2024

Asking ChatGPT to produce informed consent forms for MBA dissertation project requirement: a note

Asking ChatGPT (via to produce informed consent forms for MBA dissertation project requirement: a note

Many of my part-time MBA students are inexperienced in producing informed consent forms for their dissertation project works. This is where ChatGPT can help. I have asked ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo to do so. The following three examples are illustrative.

Example 1

Joseph Ho (the student): "I am a part-time MBA student; my dissertation topic is to study the staff morale of the administrative employees in the Faculty of Business of a local university in Hong Kong. To do so, I need to obtain the informed consent from the Head of the Faculty of Business (being the gatekeeper of this study). Could you draft a gatekeeper informed consent form for me?"

ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo: 

"[Your Name]

[Your Affiliation]

[Your Contact Information]


[Head of the Faculty of Business]

[Faculty of Business]

[University Name]

[University Address]

[City, Postal Code]

[Hong Kong]

Dear [Head's Name],

Subject: Request for Gatekeeper Informed Consent for Research Study

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to seek your informed consent to conduct a research study within the Faculty of Business at [University Name], as part of my part-time MBA program.

The purpose of my research study is to examine the staff morale of the administrative employees within the Faculty of Business. I aim to explore various factors that may influence their morale levels, identify potential areas of improvement, and contribute to the overall well-being and productivity of the administrative staff.

In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the staff morale, it is crucial to obtain the cooperation and support of the head of the faculty. Your role as the gatekeeper is pivotal, as your permission will enable me to approach the administrative employees and gather valuable data for my study. Your informed consent will ensure that the research is conducted in an ethical and respectful manner, prioritizing the well-being and privacy of the participants.

By granting your consent, you acknowledge the following:

Purpose of the Study: The research aims to investigate the staff morale of the administrative employees in the Faculty of Business at [University Name], focusing on factors that impact their morale levels and identifying potential areas for improvement.

Confidentiality and Anonymity: All information gathered during the study will be treated with strict confidentiality. The data collected will be anonymized and reported in aggregate, ensuring that individual identities and personal details remain confidential.

Voluntary Participation: Participation in the research study is entirely voluntary. No staff member will be coerced or pressured to participate against their will. They will have the freedom to withdraw their participation at any stage without facing any consequences.

Data Collection Methods: The study will involve various data collection methods, such as surveys, interviews, and observations. The specific methods employed will be discussed and agreed upon separately, to ensure their appropriateness and feasibility.

Use of Findings: The findings of this study may be used for academic purposes, such as writing my dissertation, presenting at conferences, or publishing in scholarly journals. However, all information will be reported in a manner that ensures the anonymity of the participants.

Time Commitment: The research study is expected to be conducted over a specific period, which will be agreed upon in consultation with you. The time commitment required from the administrative employees will be kept to a minimum, without causing any undue burden or disruption to their regular duties.

Ethical Considerations: The research will be conducted in compliance with the ethical guidelines and standards set by [University Name] and any relevant regulatory bodies. The privacy and well-being of the administrative employees will be given utmost importance throughout the study.

I kindly request your permission to proceed with my research study within the Faculty of Business. Your consent will serve as a valuable contribution to the successful completion of my MBA program and the advancement of knowledge in the field of staff morale.

Please feel free to contact me at [Your Contact Information] if you have any questions, concerns, or require further information. I would be more than happy to provide any additional details or clarification you may need.

Thank you for considering my request, and I look forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Your Affiliation]".

Example 2

Joseph Ho (the student): "I am a part-time MBA student. My dissertation project is to evaluate the staff morale of the sales department of a manufacturing company, of which I am an employee in the Finance Department. My research method is to conduct research interview with 6 sales employees out of 20. Could you produce a gatekeeper informed consent form for the Sales Department Head (as the gatekeeper of this study) to sign?"

ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo:

"[Your Name]

[Your Affiliation]

[Your Contact Information]


[Sales Department Head's Name]

[Sales Department]

[Manufacturing Company Name]

[Company Address]

[City, Postal Code]

Dear [Sales Department Head's Name],

Subject: Request for Gatekeeper Informed Consent for Research Study

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to seek your informed consent as the gatekeeper for my research study, which aims to evaluate the staff morale of the sales department in our esteemed manufacturing company.

As an employee of the Finance Department and a part-time MBA student, I intend to conduct this research study as part of my dissertation project. The objective of my study is to assess the factors influencing staff morale within the sales department, identify potential areas of improvement, and contribute to the overall well-being and effectiveness of the sales team.

In order to conduct a comprehensive evaluation, I would like to request your permission to approach a select group of six sales employees out of the total of twenty. These individuals will be invited to participate in research interviews, where I will gather valuable insights and perspectives regarding their morale levels, work environment, and potential areas for enhancement.

By granting your consent, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms:

Purpose of the Study: The research study seeks to evaluate the staff morale within the sales department of [Manufacturing Company Name]. It aims to identify key factors influencing morale, explore potential areas for improvement, and contribute to the well-being and productivity of the sales team.

Confidentiality and Anonymity: All information collected during the research process will be treated with strict confidentiality. The data collected will be anonymized and reported in aggregate, ensuring that individual identities and personal details remain confidential.

Voluntary Participation: Participation in the research study is entirely voluntary. No employee will be coerced or pressured to participate against their will. Participants will have the freedom to withdraw their participation at any stage of the study without facing any consequences or negative repercussions.

Data Collection Methods: The study will involve research interviews, where participants will be asked questions related to their work experiences, morale, job satisfaction, and suggestions for improvement. The interviews will be conducted in a professional and respectful manner, adhering to ethical guidelines and ensuring participant comfort.

Use of Findings: The findings of this study may be used for academic purposes, such as writing my dissertation, presenting at conferences, or publishing in scholarly journals. However, all information will be reported in a manner that ensures the anonymity of the participants and the confidentiality of the company.

Time Commitment: The research study is expected to be conducted over a specific period, which will be agreed upon in consultation with you. The time commitment required from the selected sales employees will be kept to a minimum, without causing any significant disruption to their regular duties.

Ethical Considerations: The research will be conducted in compliance with ethical guidelines and standards, ensuring the privacy, well-being, and rights of the participants. The research will respect and uphold all applicable laws and regulations, including those related to data protection and confidentiality.

I kindly request your permission to proceed with my research study within the sales department. Your consent as the gatekeeper will play a vital role in facilitating the success of this study, promoting employee engagement, and contributing to the overall growth and development of our organization.

Please feel free to contact me at [Your Contact Information] if you have any questions, concerns, or require further information. I would be more than happy to provide any additional details or clarification you may need.

Thank you for considering my request, and I look forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Your Affiliation]"

Example 3

Joseph Ho (the student): "I am a part-time MBA student. My dissertation project is to evaluate the staff morale of the sales department of a manufacturing company, of which I am its employee in the Finance Department. My research method is to conduct research interview to 6 sales employees out of 20. Could you produce an informed consent form for the 6 selected sales employees (as the interviewees of this study) to sign?"

ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo:

"[Your Name]

[Your Affiliation]

[Your Contact Information]


[Sales Employee's Name]

[Sales Department]

[Manufacturing Company Name]

[Company Address]

[City, Postal Code]

Dear [Sales Employee's Name],

Subject: Informed Consent for Research Interview

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to seek your informed consent to participate in a research study that aims to evaluate the staff morale within the sales department of our esteemed manufacturing company. As part of my MBA dissertation project, I am conducting this study to gain valuable insights and perspectives regarding your work experiences, morale levels, and potential areas for improvement.

By signing this consent form, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms:

Purpose of the Study: The research study seeks to evaluate the staff morale within the sales department of [Manufacturing Company Name]. It aims to identify key factors influencing morale, explore potential areas for improvement, and contribute to the well-being and effectiveness of the sales team.

Voluntary Participation: Participation in this research study is entirely voluntary. Your decision to participate or not will not have any impact on your employment status or any other aspect of your relationship with the company. You have the freedom to withdraw your participation at any stage of the study without facing any consequences or negative repercussions.

Confidentiality and Anonymity: All information collected during the research interview will be treated with strict confidentiality. Your responses will be anonymized, and your identity will remain confidential throughout the research process. The data collected will be reported in aggregate form, ensuring that individual identities and personal details are not disclosed.

Data Collection and Use: The research interview will involve a series of questions related to your work experiences, morale, job satisfaction, and suggestions for improvement. The information collected will be used for academic purposes, such as writing my dissertation, presenting at conferences, or publishing in scholarly journals. However, your responses will be reported in a manner that ensures your anonymity and the confidentiality of the company.

Time Commitment: Your participation in the research study will require approximately [estimated time] for the research interview. The interview will be scheduled at a mutually convenient time, ensuring minimal disruption to your regular work duties.

Risks and Benefits: Participating in this study carries minimal risks. However, it is important to note that discussing your experiences and opinions may evoke personal reflections or emotions. On the other hand, the study's benefits include contributing to the overall understanding of staff morale and potentially improving the work environment in the sales department.

I have read and understood the information provided above, and I voluntarily agree to participate in the research study. I understand that my involvement is entirely voluntary and that I have the right to withdraw from the study at any time without facing any negative consequences.

By signing below, I confirm that I have given my informed consent to participate in the research interview:

[Sales Employee's Name]


Thank you for your valuable participation in this research study. Please feel free to contact me at [Your Contact Information] if you have any questions or concerns regarding the study or your participation. I assure you that your contribution will be highly valued and will contribute to the success of this research project.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Your Affiliation]"

Overall evaluation comments:

While the university I work for has a standard informed consent form template, it is not a specific one for gatekeepers nor for research respondents. I can see that my part-time MBA students will find the samples of informed consent forms produced by ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo quite useful. What the students need to do is to ensure that the ideas from the university informed consent form template are reasonably incorporated into the ChatGPT samples. Doing so enables them to produce informed consent forms that their university dissertation project supervisors and examiners can approve.

Reference: a collection of blog notes on ChatGPT for research students.

What ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo says about ChatGPT hallucination: a note

What ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo says about ChatGPT hallucination: a note

Below is the content of my interview with ChatGPT 4.5 Turbo (access via on the topic of ChatGPT hallucination:

This interviewer: "People talk about ChatGPT hallucination. What is it about?"

ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo: "The term "ChatGPT hallucination" refers to a phenomenon where the AI model, such as GPT-3, generates responses that may appear plausible but are not factually accurate or coherent. These responses can sometimes be nonsensical, bizarre, or even misleading. Hallucinations can occur when the model lacks access to accurate or up-to-date information, or when it generates responses based on patterns it has learned during training, which may not always align with reality.

GPT-3 and similar language models are trained on vast amounts of text data from the internet, which means they can produce creative and contextually appropriate responses. However, they do not possess true understanding or knowledge of the world. They rely on patterns and correlations in the training data to generate responses, and sometimes these patterns can result in hallucinations.

It's important to note that hallucinations are not intentional on the part of the AI model. They arise due to the limitations of the training process and the model's inability to reason or verify information like a human would. Efforts are being made to improve models like ChatGPT and reduce such hallucinations, but they still occur to some extent. Therefore, it's crucial to critically evaluate and fact-check the information provided by AI models to ensure accuracy and reliability".

This interviewer: "Are the quick and easy ways to detect hallucination from ChatGPT answers?"

ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo: "Detecting hallucinations in ChatGPT answers can be challenging because they often appear plausible at first glance. However, here are some strategies that can help you identify potential hallucinations:

Fact-checking: If the response contains specific claims or factual information, verify those details independently. Cross-reference the information with reliable sources to ensure its accuracy. If the response includes unlikely or contradictory statements, it might be a sign of a hallucination.

Consistency: Check if the response remains consistent within the conversation. Hallucinations might lead to responses that contradict earlier statements or exhibit abrupt shifts in logic or topic.

Common sense: Apply your own knowledge and common sense to evaluate the response. If the answer seems highly improbable, illogical, or doesn't align with your understanding of the subject matter, it could be a hallucination.

Lack of clarity or coherence: Hallucinations may result in responses that are unclear, vague, or fail to address the question adequately. If the response seems evasive or doesn't provide a direct answer, it could be a sign of a hallucination.

Out-of-context references: Pay attention to whether the model refers to information or events that are not relevant to the conversation. This could indicate that the model is generating responses based on unrelated or incorrect information.

Limited knowledge cutoff: ChatGPT has a knowledge cutoff, meaning it was last trained on data up until September 2021. If the response includes recent events or information that occurred after the knowledge cutoff, it's likely a hallucination.

It's important to note that these strategies are not foolproof, and errors can still occur. Always exercise critical thinking and verify the information from reliable sources when in doubt".

This interviewer: "Are there any questioning techniques to ask ChatGPT such that ChatGPT hallucination risk is reduced?"

ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo: "While there is no foolproof method to completely eliminate the risk of hallucinations in ChatGPT's responses, there are some questioning techniques that may help reduce the likelihood of encountering them:

Specificity: Ask ChatGPT for specific details or examples to gauge the depth of its knowledge. By requesting specific information, you can prompt the model to provide more precise and accurate responses, reducing the chances of hallucinations.

Source verification: Ask ChatGPT to provide the source or context for the information it is providing. This can help you assess the reliability of the information and determine if it aligns with trustworthy sources.

Multiple perspectives: Ask ChatGPT for different viewpoints or opinions on a topic. By requesting a balanced analysis or considering alternative perspectives, you can encourage the model to provide a more nuanced response that goes beyond potentially biased or hallucinatory information.

Clarification: If a response from ChatGPT seems unclear or ambiguous, ask for further clarification. This can help uncover any inconsistencies or gaps in the model's understanding, potentially reducing the risk of hallucinations.

Fact-checking prompts: Prompt ChatGPT to fact-check its own responses. For example, ask the model to verify information or provide evidence to support its claims. This encourages the model to critically consider the accuracy of its responses and can help identify potential hallucinations.

Remember that while these techniques may help mitigate the risk of hallucinations, they do not guarantee error-free or completely accurate responses. It's important to critically evaluate the information provided by ChatGPT and corroborate it with reliable sources whenever possible."

This interviewer: "Thanks for participating in the interview, ChatGPT".

ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo: "You're welcome! It was my pleasure to assist you. If you have any more questions in the future, feel free to ask. Have a great day!".

Overall evaluation comments on the interview: ChatGPT is knowledgeable on the topic of ChatGPT hallucination; it is also a polite interviewee.

Reference: a collection of blog notes on ChatGPT.

Thursday 4 July 2024

Using ChatGPT to make dissertation project proposals for part-time MBA students: a note

Using ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo to make dissertation project proposals for part-time MBA students: a note

(To access ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo, go to

I conducted 3 tests to evaluate the ability of ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo to come up with dissertation proposals for part-time MBA students:

Test 1: Could you suggest a dissertation proposal to me? I am a part-time MBA student and I am interested in a topic related to corporate merger and its downsizing impact?

ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo reply:

Certainly! Here's a potential dissertation proposal related to the impact of corporate mergers and downsizing:

Title: "Exploring the Impact of Corporate Mergers on Downsizing: A Comparative Analysis of Organizational Performance and Employee Well-being"


This dissertation aims to investigate the impact of corporate mergers on downsizing and its subsequent effects on organizational performance and employee well-being. The study recognizes that mergers often result in downsizing as a means to achieve synergy and cost reduction. However, the consequences of downsizing on the surviving employees and the overall organizational performance remain a topic of significant interest and debate. This research proposal outlines a comparative analysis of multiple case studies to gain insights into the varying outcomes of mergers and their downsizing strategies.

Research Objectives:

To analyze the factors driving corporate mergers and subsequent downsizing decisions.

To examine the impact of downsizing on key performance indicators (KPIs) such as financial performance, market share, and operational efficiency.

To assess the effects of downsizing on employee motivation, job satisfaction, stress levels, and overall well-being.

To identify strategies and practices that organizations can implement to mitigate the negative effects of downsizing and promote employee well-being during and after mergers.


This study will adopt a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative research methods to provide a comprehensive understanding of the research topic. The quantitative analysis will involve collecting financial and performance data from pre- and post-merger periods, using statistical techniques to assess the impact of downsizing on organizational performance. Additionally, surveys will be conducted to gather data on employee well-being indicators, including job satisfaction, stress levels, and motivation. The qualitative analysis will involve in-depth interviews with key stakeholders, including executives, managers, and employees affected by downsizing, to gain insights into their experiences and perceptions.

Expected Contribution:

This research aims to contribute to the existing literature by providing a comprehensive analysis of the impact of downsizing resulting from corporate mergers on both organizational performance and employee well-being. The findings will offer valuable insights for managers and executives involved in merger decision-making, providing guidance on effective downsizing strategies and practices that minimize negative consequences. Moreover, the study will highlight the importance of considering employee well-being during the merger process and provide recommendations for promoting a positive organizational culture during times of change.

Keywords: corporate mergers, downsizing, organizational performance, employee well-being, comparative analysis, mixed-methods approach.

Note: It is important to customize and refine the proposal according to your specific research interests, resources, and academic requirements.

My comments: For a proposal, the research objectives and research design are quite well developed and indicate reasonable research skills. There should be some indication of a few management theories to be used in this dissertation project. It should be made clear whether this is a single case study or a multiple case study. A more serious problem is on the feasibility of employing the proposed research methods by the student concerned. For example, is it feasible to access the internal business information from more than one targeted companies to study by the MBA student? In this regard, additional follow-up questions need to be made to ChatGPT for more advice.

Test 2: Could you suggest a dissertation proposal to me? I am a part-time MBA student with a full-time job in Hong Kong. I am interested in a topic about me launching a new startup to offer interior decoration services in my neighborhood district.

ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo reply: Certainly! Here's a potential dissertation proposal related to launching a new startup offering interior decoration services in your neighborhood district:

Title: "Examining the Feasibility and Success Factors of Launching a New Startup: A Case Study of Interior Decoration Services in [Neighborhood District], Hong Kong"


This dissertation aims to explore the feasibility and success factors associated with launching a new startup in the field of interior decoration services within [Neighborhood District], Hong Kong. As a part-time MBA student with a full-time job, the study will focus on the challenges and strategies involved in establishing and growing a startup while managing other professional commitments. By conducting a detailed case study, this research proposal aims to provide practical insights and recommendations for aspiring entrepreneurs interested in venturing into the interior decoration industry.

Research Objectives:

To assess the market demand and potential for interior decoration services within [Neighborhood District], Hong Kong.

To identify key challenges and opportunities encountered when launching and operating a startup while managing other professional commitments.

To analyze the strategies employed in targeting and acquiring customers in the local market.

To evaluate the factors contributing to the success or failure of the startup, including marketing effectiveness, customer satisfaction, and financial performance.

To provide practical recommendations for entrepreneurs aiming to establish a startup in the interior decoration industry within [Neighborhood District], Hong Kong.


This study will utilize a combination of primary and secondary research methods to achieve its objectives. The primary research will involve conducting surveys and interviews with potential customers, local competitors, and industry experts to gather insights into the market demand, customer preferences, and industry dynamics. Additionally, financial data and performance metrics will be collected and analyzed to assess the startup's success. The secondary research will involve a comprehensive review of existing literature, industry reports, and case studies related to startups and the interior decoration industry.

Expected Contribution:

This research aims to contribute to the existing body of knowledge by providing a detailed case study examining the feasibility and success factors associated with launching a startup in the field of interior decoration services within [Neighborhood District], Hong Kong. The findings will offer practical guidance and recommendations for entrepreneurs looking to establish a startup while managing other professional commitments. Moreover, the study will provide insights into the local market demand and customer preferences, helping aspiring entrepreneurs make informed decisions about the viability of their business ideas.

Keywords: startup, interior decoration services, feasibility, success factors, case study, entrepreneurship, market demand, customer preferences, Hong Kong.

Note: It is important to customize and refine the proposal based on your specific research interests, resources, and academic requirements. Additionally, consider consulting with your academic advisor to ensure alignment with the program's guidelines and expectations.

My comments: For a proposal, the research objectives and research design are quite well developed and indicate reasonable research skills. There should be some indication of a few management theories to be used in this dissertation project. In particular, there needs to be some assessment of the part-time student's managerial and entrepreneurial competence. A more serious problem is on the feasibility of employing the proposed research methods by the student concerned. In this regard, additional follow-up questions need to be made to ChatGPT for more advice.

Test 3: Could you suggest a dissertation proposal to me. I am a part-time MBA student working for a medium-sized shipping company. My topic is related to the poor work-life balance policy of my company and its impact on my additional duty as a housewife to look after my family after work.

ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo reply:

Certainly! Here's a potential dissertation proposal related to the work-life balance policy of your medium-sized shipping company and its impact on your additional duty as a housewife:

Title: "Exploring the Impact of Work-Life Balance Policies on the Well-being of Working Mothers: A Case Study of a Medium-sized Shipping Company"


This dissertation aims to examine the impact of work-life balance policies on the well-being of working mothers, specifically focusing on the experiences of employees in a medium-sized shipping company. The study acknowledges the challenges faced by working mothers in balancing their professional responsibilities with their additional duties as caregivers and homemakers. By conducting a comprehensive case study, this research proposal seeks to identify the factors contributing to the poor work-life balance policy within the organization and assess its effects on the well-being of working mothers.

Research Objectives:

To evaluate the existing work-life balance policies and practices within the medium-sized shipping company.

To understand the challenges faced by working mothers in maintaining a healthy work-life balance, particularly in relation to their additional household and caregiving responsibilities.

To assess the impact of poor work-life balance on the physical and mental well-being of working mothers.

To identify potential strategies and interventions that can enhance work-life balance for working mothers in the shipping industry.

To provide recommendations for improving the work-life balance policy within the medium-sized shipping company, taking into account the specific needs and challenges faced by working mothers.


This study will employ a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods to gather comprehensive data. The qualitative research will involve in-depth interviews with working mothers within the shipping company to understand their experiences, challenges, and perspectives on work-life balance. Additionally, focus groups can be conducted to facilitate discussions and gather collective insights. The quantitative research will include surveys distributed among working mothers to collect data on their work-life balance satisfaction, well-being indicators, and the perceived impact of existing policies. Comparative analysis can be conducted to compare the experiences of working mothers with different levels of work-life balance support.

Expected Contribution:

This research aims to contribute to the existing literature by providing insights into the impact of work-life balance policies on the well-being of working mothers in the shipping industry. The findings will help shed light on the specific challenges faced by working mothers and highlight the importance of an inclusive work-life balance policy. The study will provide recommendations for the medium-sized shipping company to improve their work-life balance policies, fostering a supportive environment for working mothers. Furthermore, this research can serve as a resource for other organizations seeking to enhance their work-life balance practices and support systems for working mothers.

Keywords: work-life balance, working mothers, well-being, medium-sized shipping company, case study, challenges, policies, caregiver responsibilities, qualitative research, quantitative research.

Note: It is crucial to tailor and refine the proposal according to your specific research interests, resources, and academic requirements. Additionally, consider consulting with your academic advisor to ensure alignment with the program's guidelines and expectations.

My comments: For a proposal, the research objectives and research design are quite well developed and indicate reasonable research skills. There should be some indication of a few management theories to be used in this dissertation project. A more serious problem is on the feasibility of employing the proposed research methods by the student concerned. For example, is it easy to obtain the gatekeeper's informed consent to conduct the investigation in this company? In this regard, additional follow-up questions need to be made to ChatGPT for more advice.

My overall evaluation comments: In every case, ChatGPT is quite capable to come up with an appropriate dissertation proposal based on the limited information provided by me. Nevertheless, the research design could be clearer in details and a few specific management theories with explicit referencing should be mentioned. It is then up to the student to review the proposal, notably on its feasibility to the student concerned. Some of the main considerations are the student's research methods skills, time to do literature review and ability to obtain the informed consent from the required research methods participants. It is thus also up to the student to raise follow-up questions to ChatGPT to answer. Overall, I find ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo a good virtual learned companion to discuss this kind of topics. In order to do well in their dissertation projects, it remains important for part-time MBA students to study the subject of research methods, notably on approaches to do dissertations projects, such as the agile literature review approach of J.K.K. Ho.

Reference: a collection of blog notes on ChatGPT usage.

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Testing ChatGPT ability to formulate academic article titles based on the articles' abstracts: a note

I conduct three tests to evaluae ChatGPT's ability to formulate academic article titles based on the abstracts of three academic articles written by me.

Test 1:

The original article title is: 

An Exploration of the Problem of Plagiarism with theCognitive Mapping Technique

The article abstract is: 

Plagiarism is a hot topic in the education sector. Mainly focusing on the business education sector, the paper reviews the literature on plagiarism and exposes the soft complexity underlining the plagiarism problem. The complexity of the plagiarism theme is further depicted using the cognitive mapping technique, which can be considered as an attempt to enhance the multiperspective, systems-based cognitive filter in the multiperspective, systems-based research. Finally, the paper recommends the employment of systems thinking that endorses the employment of multiple perspectives and multiple methodologies in future research works on the topic of plagiarism.


The suggested article title from ChatGPT (GPT 3.5 Turbo) is:

"Understanding the Soft Complexity of Plagiarism in Business Education: A Multi-perspective Systems Approach"


My comment: the proposed title from ChatGPT reasonably captures the main theme of the article, though I still consider my own formulated title is clearer in this regard.


Test 2:


The original article title is:

On the Agile Literature Review Approach forPractising Managers: A Proposal


The article abstract is:

Literature review skill as covered in the subject of Research Methods is not only useful for doing dissertation projects in academic programme study but also valuable for informing practising managers to cope with actual workplace management issues and concerns. To make literature review easier for practising managers to carry out, the writer proposes the agile literature review approach (ALRA), primarily for applied business research and practices. The main ALRA aim is to promote a complicated understanding of a management topic and its associated management concern by the ALRA user. Although the agile approach is lightweight, its effective application requires endorsement of contemporary systems thinking; this thinking is theoretically profound, thus requiring long-term engaging intellectual learning to master.


The suggested article title from ChatGPT (GPT 3.5 Turbo) is:

"Enhancing Literature Review Skills for Applied Business Research: Introducing the Agile Literature Review Approach (ALRA)"

My comment: the proposed title from ChatGPT reasonably captures the main theme of the article, though I still consider my own formulated title is clearer in this regard.



Test 3:

The original article title is:

What can contemporary systems thinking offerto logistics management as a management discipline


The article abstract is:

The development of the management discipline of logistic has always been directed at promoting effective logistics practices and the evolving challenges of practising logisticians. A review of recent logistics literature shows that the logistics field is increasingly attentive to aspects of logistics management that are more social and behavioural. At the same time, some logisticians have expressed concerns on the current status of logistics management. Since similar concerns and topics can also be found in the field of systems thinking, high potential of cross-fertilization of ideas between these two disciplines appears to exist. Areas where contemporary systems thinking can offer opportunities to contemporary logistics management for further advancement are identified in this paper with a view to spur development in this direction.


The suggested article title from ChatGPT (GPT 3.5 Turbo) is:

"Exploring the Intersection of Logistics Management and Systems Thinking: Opportunities for Advancement in Contemporary Logistics Practices"

My comment: the proposed title from ChatGPT reasonably captures the main theme of the article, though I still consider my own formulated title is clearer in this regard.

Some overall comments: for the three tests, ChatGPT (GPT 3.5 Turbo) is unfailingly able to come up with three appropriate article titles based on the articles' abstracts for the three tests. The reason why the proposed article titles are not as good as mine in terms of theme capture accuracy could probably be due to the inadequate information provided in the article abstracts in the first place. In addition, the ability of ChatGPT (GPT 3.5 Turbo) to write elegantly, e.g. on article title formulation, has much room for improvement.

Lastly, this ChatGPT (GPT 3.5 Turbo) capability is not able to help students to produce a project title for their dissertation proposals; this is because there is no abstract for ChatGPT to process in order to generate a dissertation project title.

Reference: a collection of blog notes on using ChatGPT.