Wednesday 16 October 2024

Asking chatgpt to produce a dissertation proposal related to event management: for MBA students

Asking chatgpt to produce a dissertation proposal related to event management: for MBA students

The following is an account of my discussion with chatgpt (via  to come up with a dissertation proposal related to event management:

My question 1: "I am a part-time MBA student, currently formulating my dissertation proposal. My research theme is to evaluate the city image promotion event programme called, "Hong Kong as a beautiful global city". This programme involves the Hong Kong government working with the Hong Kong tourism-related sector to carry out a series of coordinated celebration and promotion activities for 2 months. The city promotion event has been launched 2 weeks ago. I am interested in this topic as I work in the advertising sector and I know quite a number of government officials and managers in the tourism-sector in Hong Kong. My intention is to adopt the event management perspective to study this project and also to employ ideas such as city image building, place-making and event management theories, notably on event management leadership, event change management, and event-related culture management. It is feasible for me to use structured observation research, semi-structured interview based on convenience sampling, questionnaire survey and desk research. I also intend to link all my research methods to the research philosophy of pragmatism. Could you come up with a dissertation proposal for me to consider? Do kindly consider how my dissertation project is able to respond to a few research gaps in the field of event management. Tks."

The reply from chatgpt is: "Certainly! Here’s a structured dissertation proposal outline for your research on the "Hong Kong as a Beautiful Global City" event program.

Dissertation Proposal


Evaluating the "Hong Kong as a Beautiful Global City" Event Program: An Event Management Perspective


Background: Briefly introduce the significance of city image promotion and its impact on tourism and local economy. Highlight the launch of the "Hong Kong as a Beautiful Global City" initiative and its objectives.

Research Importance: Explain the relevance of this study within the context of event management, city branding, and tourism in Hong Kong.

Research Objectives

To evaluate the effectiveness of the "Hong Kong as a Beautiful Global City" event program in enhancing the city's image.

To analyze the role of event management leadership in the execution of the program.

To explore challenges and changes faced during the event management process.

To investigate the cultural implications of the event on local communities and stakeholders.

Literature Review

City Image Building: Discuss theories related to city branding and image promotion.

Event Management Theories: Focus on leadership, change management, and cultural management in event contexts.

Research Gaps: Identify gaps in existing literature regarding the impact of coordinated city promotion events on local perception and tourism success, particularly in the context of Hong Kong.

Research Methodology

Philosophy: Adopt a pragmatist approach, emphasizing practical outcomes and real-world applicability.


Structured Observation: Conduct observations at event locations to assess branding effectiveness and audience engagement.

Semi-Structured Interviews: Interview government officials and tourism managers to gather insights on leadership roles and event management challenges.

Questionnaire Survey: Distribute surveys to event attendees to measure perceptions of the city image before and after the event.

Desk Research: Analyze existing reports and studies on city branding and event management in Hong Kong.

Data Analysis

Utilize qualitative methods to analyze interview and observation data, and quantitative methods for survey results.

Discuss how the integration of different data sources provides a comprehensive understanding of the event's impact.

Expected Contributions

Theoretical: Contribute to the understanding of event management in the context of city branding and cultural engagement.

Practical: Provide actionable insights for government and tourism stakeholders on effective strategies for city image promotion.


Summarize the significance of the research and its potential to fill existing gaps in event management literature, particularly regarding city image promotion.


Include a preliminary list of relevant academic sources, including books, journal articles, and reports related to city image promotion and event management.


Include any additional materials such as proposed interview questions, survey instruments, and observation checklists.

This proposal framework should help you articulate your research focus and methodology effectively while addressing gaps in current event management literature. Good luck with your dissertation!"

My question 2: "Could you give me some specific advice on the structured observation research design in this case?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "Certainly! Here’s a detailed approach to designing your structured observation research for the "Hong Kong as a Beautiful Global City" event program:

Structured Observation Research Design

1. Objective

To systematically observe and document the event's activities, participant interactions, and overall atmosphere, focusing on how these elements contribute to the city image promotion.

2. Research Questions

How do the event activities align with the intended city image of Hong Kong?

What participant behaviors and interactions are most prominent during the event?

How do these observations reflect the principles of place-making and event management theories?

3. Observation Framework

Observation Categories:

Event Activities: Types of events (e.g., cultural performances, exhibitions), their timing, and organization.

Participant Engagement: Levels of participation (active vs. passive), demographic diversity, and engagement with activities.

Environmental Context: Venue setup, decorations, promotional materials, and overall ambiance.

Observation Tools:

Observation Checklist: Create a structured checklist that includes specific criteria for each category. For example:

Number and type of activities.

Number of participants and their demographics.

Quality of interactions (e.g., enthusiasm, participation in discussions).

Field Notes: Document qualitative observations and reflections during and after the events.

4. Sampling Strategy

Time Sampling: Choose specific days and times to observe a variety of events to capture different participant demographics and activities.

Event Sampling: Select a diverse range of events (e.g., cultural, recreational, educational) to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the program.

5. Data Collection Process

Preparation: Familiarize yourself with the event schedule and logistics to identify key observation points.

On-Site Observation: Attend selected events and use your checklist and field notes to document observations.

Duration: Consider observing events for a minimum of 2-3 hours to capture detailed interactions and dynamics.

6. Data Analysis

Quantitative Analysis: Compile data from the observation checklist to identify trends (e.g., most popular activities, participant demographics).

Qualitative Analysis: Analyze field notes for themes related to city image, participant engagement, and event management practices.

7. Ethical Considerations

Ensure that your observations are conducted in public spaces where participants are aware they may be observed.

Maintain confidentiality and anonymity when reporting findings, especially if discussing participant behaviors or demographics.


This structured observation research design will allow you to gather both quantitative and qualitative data on the event's impact on city image promotion. By linking your observations to event management theories, you can provide valuable insights into effective city branding strategies and contribute to filling research gaps in the field of event management."

My question 3: "Tks. Also could you offer me a more detailed semi-structured interview design in this case?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "Certainly! Here’s a detailed design for conducting semi-structured interviews related to the "Hong Kong as a Beautiful Global City" event program.

Semi-Structured Interview Design

1. Objective

To gather in-depth insights from key stakeholders involved in the event, including government officials, tourism managers, and participants, regarding their perceptions, experiences, and the event's impact on city image promotion.

2. Target Participants

Government Officials: Individuals involved in city branding and tourism development.

Tourism Sector Managers: Representatives from hotels, tour operators, and cultural institutions.

Participants/Attendees: Residents and tourists who engaged with the event.

3. Sampling Strategy

Use convenience sampling to identify participants based on accessibility and relevance. Aim for diversity in perspectives by including individuals from different sectors and demographics.

4. Interview Format

Duration: Each interview should last approximately 30-60 minutes.

Setting: Conduct interviews in a comfortable environment, either in-person or via video conferencing.

Recording: With permission, record interviews for accurate data collection and analysis.

5. Interview Guide

Develop a flexible interview guide with open-ended questions. Here are some suggested questions grouped by themes:

A. Event Perception

How would you describe the purpose of the "Hong Kong as a Beautiful Global City" event?

What were your initial thoughts when you learned about this event?

B. Impact on City Image

In your opinion, how does this event contribute to building Hong Kong's city image?

Can you share any specific examples of how the event has positively or negatively impacted perceptions of Hong Kong?

C. Event Management and Coordination

How well do you think the event was organized? What aspects stood out to you?

Were there any challenges faced during the planning or execution of the event?

D. Participant Engagement

What types of participants do you think were most engaged during the event? Why do you think that is?

How did you observe participant interactions with the event activities?

E. Future Recommendations

What improvements would you suggest for future city promotion events?

How can the lessons learned from this event be applied to enhance future initiatives?

6. Data Collection Process

Scheduling: Reach out to potential participants to schedule interviews, providing an overview of the research purpose and ensuring their willingness to participate.

Conducting Interviews: Follow the interview guide but remain flexible to explore interesting topics that arise during the conversation.

7. Data Analysis

Transcription: Transcribe recorded interviews for analysis.

Thematic Analysis: Identify key themes and patterns in the responses. Use coding to categorize responses related to city image, event management, and participant engagement.

8. Ethical Considerations

Obtain informed consent from participants, clearly explaining the purpose of the research and how their data will be used.

Ensure confidentiality and anonymity in reporting findings.


This semi-structured interview design will allow you to capture nuanced perspectives from various stakeholders involved in the "Hong Kong as a Beautiful Global City" event. By combining their insights with your structured observation findings, you can provide a comprehensive analysis of the event's effectiveness in promoting the city image."

Reference: a collection of blog notes on using chatgpt for research purpose.

Tuesday 15 October 2024

Preparatory study materials on quantitative research

Preparatory study materials on quantitative research

Basic topics on quantitative research

I. Basic descriptive statistics

Topic 1.1.: how to calculate standard deviation and variance. (recommendation: do the revision yourself)

Topic 1.2.: measures of variability.

II. On the normal distribution curve and the central limit theorem

Topic 2,1.: the normal distribution.

Topic 2.2.: on density curves.

Topic 2.3.: the central limit theorem.

III. On hypothesis testing

Topic 3.1.: what is a hypothesis test.

Topic 3.2.: what is a p-value.

Topic 3.3. confidence level and significance level

** The confidence level is the probability of the test being right.

The significance level is the probability of there being a mistake in the test, or the test being wrong.

Topic 3.4.: null & alternative hypotheses.

Topic 3.5.: one-tailed vs two-tailed tests (video); (brief note).

IV. On variables

Topic 4.1.: operationalization and measurement.

Topic 4.2.: independent and dependent variables.

Topic 4.3a.: mediation vs moderation.

Topic 4.3b.: types of variables.

Monday 14 October 2024

A note on combining theories to perform a theory-driven analysis: a note for my MBA students

 A note on combining theories to perform a theory-driven analysis: a note for my MBA students

My discussion with chatgpt (accessed via on assembling academic theories to conduct a specific competence evaluation task: 

My question 1: "I am a part-time MBA student, currently doing my dissertation project. One of my research objective is to evaluate the customer service skill competence of my touring company. However, I have difficulty to identify directly relevant academic theories to apply in this research task. Could you suggest some relevant management theories that I can assemble together to conduct the theory-driven investigation on this topic?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "Certainly! Evaluating customer service skill competence can benefit from several relevant management theories. Here are some key theories you might consider:

1. Service Quality (SERVQUAL)

Overview: Developed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry, this model measures service quality across five dimensions: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy.

Application: You can use this framework to assess how well your touring company meets customer expectations in each dimension.

2. Customer Satisfaction Theory

Overview: This theory explores the relationship between customer expectations, perceived performance, and satisfaction levels.

Application: Investigate how customer service skills impact overall satisfaction and loyalty in the context of your touring company.

3. Service-Dominant Logic

Overview: Proposed by Vargo and Lusch, this theory shifts the focus from goods to services, emphasizing co-creation of value between providers and customers.

Application: Use this perspective to analyze how your company’s service interactions create value and enhance customer experiences.

4. Emotional Intelligence (EI)

Overview: Daniel Goleman’s theory emphasizes the ability to recognize, understand, and manage emotions in oneself and others.

Application: Evaluate how the emotional intelligence of your staff contributes to effective customer service.

5. Transformational Leadership Theory

Overview: This theory focuses on how leaders inspire and motivate employees to exceed expectations and foster an environment of growth.

Application: Investigate how leadership within your touring company influences the development of customer service skills.

6. Expectancy Theory

Overview: Proposed by Vroom, this theory suggests that individuals are motivated to act in a certain way based on their expectations of the outcome.

Application: Assess how employees' expectations about customer service outcomes influence their performance and skill development.

7. Competency Frameworks

Overview: These frameworks outline the specific skills, knowledge, and behaviors required for effective performance in a job.

Application: Develop a competency model specific to customer service roles in your touring company to evaluate skill levels.

8. The Service-Profit Chain

Overview: This model links employee satisfaction, service quality, customer satisfaction, and profitability.

Application: Analyze how customer service skill competence is connected to employee satisfaction and the overall performance of your company.


By combining insights from these theories, you can create a comprehensive framework to evaluate the customer service skill competence within your touring company. This multi-theoretical approach will enhance the depth of your analysis and provide a robust foundation for your dissertation."

My question 2: "In order to synthesize these theories to develop a coherent theoretical framework to conduct the research task, what are the issues I need to pay attention to in order to come up with a coherent theoretical framework for that?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "Developing a coherent theoretical framework involves synthesizing various theories into a unified structure that guides your research. Here are key issues to consider:

1. Clarify Research Objectives

Focus: Clearly define your research questions and objectives. Make sure each theory you choose directly relates to these objectives.

2. Identify Common Themes

Integration: Look for overlapping concepts among the theories, such as customer satisfaction, service quality, and employee engagement. This can help in creating a cohesive narrative.

3. Establish Relationships

Linkages: Determine how the theories interact. For instance, how does emotional intelligence influence service quality? Map out these relationships to show how they support your research objectives.

4. Contextual Relevance

Adaptation: Ensure that the theories are relevant to the context of your touring company. You may need to adapt or modify certain elements to fit the specific industry nuances.

5. Empirical Support

Evidence: Look for empirical studies or case examples that validate the theories in the context of customer service. This can strengthen your framework and provide credibility.

6. Variables and Constructs

Operationalization: Clearly define the key variables and constructs from each theory. Decide how you will measure them in your research (e.g., surveys, interviews).

7. Avoid Over-complexity

Simplicity: While it's tempting to include many theories, focus on a few that are most relevant and can be effectively integrated. A simpler framework is often more coherent and easier to communicate.

8. Theoretical Consistency

Alignment: Ensure that the assumptions and principles of the selected theories do not contradict each other. The framework should have a logical flow.

9. Iterative Development

Refinement: Be prepared to revise your framework as you delve deeper into the literature and gather data. Flexibility can lead to a more robust framework.

10. Visual Representation

Diagram: Creating a visual representation of your theoretical framework can help clarify relationships and enhance understanding. This might include flowcharts or conceptual diagrams.


By paying attention to these issues, you can construct a coherent theoretical framework that effectively guides your research on customer service skill competence in your touring company. This framework will not only help in structuring your analysis but also in presenting your findings clearly."

** This kind of competence evaluation task inevitably comes up in zone 2 [organizational capabilities] of the agile literature review approach (consulting-type).

Reference: a collection of blog notes on using chatgpt for research purpose.

A note on online research interview: for Housing Studies students

A note on online research interview: for Housing Studies students.

The following is a record of my dialogue with chatgpt (accessed via on the topic of online research interview:

My question 1: "I am a part-time Undergraduate Housing Studies student. Currently, I am learning the subject of Research Methods. For my subject assignment, I intend to conduct an online interview on my gen z friends to learn about the impacts of home ownership (with home mortgage loan) on their quality of life. My question 1 is: what are the pros and cons of online interview, as compared with Face-to-face interview?"

The reply from chatgpt: "Conducting online interviews has its own unique set of advantages and disadvantages compared to face-to-face interviews. Here’s a breakdown of the pros and cons:

Pros of Online Interviews

Convenience: Participants can join from anywhere, making it easier to schedule interviews at convenient times.

Cost-Effective: Reduces travel costs and time associated with in-person meetings, which can be beneficial for both you and your participants.

Wider Reach: You can easily connect with participants from different geographical locations, broadening the diversity of your sample.

Comfort: Participants may feel more comfortable in their own environments, potentially leading to more candid responses.

Recording and Transcription: Online platforms often have features for recording and transcribing interviews easily, making data collection more efficient.

Reduced Social Pressure: The lack of physical presence can lessen anxiety and make it easier for participants to express their true feelings.

Cons of Online Interviews

Technical Issues: Internet connectivity problems can disrupt interviews, leading to frustration for both interviewer and participant.

Limited Non-Verbal Cues: You may miss out on important body language and facial expressions that are more easily observed in person.

Distractions: Participants may be more prone to distractions in their own environments, which can affect their focus and engagement.

Digital Literacy: Not all participants may be comfortable with technology, which could limit your sample or affect the quality of the interviews.

Less Personal Connection: Building rapport may be more challenging without face-to-face interaction, which can impact the depth of the conversation.

Privacy Concerns: Participants might feel less secure sharing sensitive information online, especially if they are not familiar with the platform being used.


Both methods have their strengths and weaknesses. The choice between online and face-to-face interviews should depend on your specific research goals, the characteristics of your participants, and the logistical considerations of your study."

My question 2 is: "Tks for information. Regarding my case of interviewing my friends online on the topic of home ownership, what questions would you suggest me to ask and what good interviewing practices would you recommend me to adopt. Please bear in mind that all interviewees are quite busy people and have very good relationship with me?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "Here are some suggested questions and good interviewing practices tailored to your context of interviewing friends about home ownership and its impacts on their quality of life:

Suggested Interview Questions

Background and Context

Can you briefly describe your current living situation? Do you own or rent your home?

What motivated you to choose home ownership (if applicable)?

Financial Considerations

How has taking on a mortgage impacted your financial situation?

Do you feel that home ownership has provided you with financial security or stability? Why or why not?

Quality of Life

In what ways has home ownership (or renting) affected your daily life and well-being?

How do you feel about the responsibilities that come with home ownership (maintenance, mortgage payments, etc.)?

Social Impacts

How has home ownership influenced your relationships with family and friends?

Do you think owning a home has changed your social interactions or community engagement?

Future Aspirations

How do you envision your living situation in the next 5-10 years? Do you see yourself continuing to own a home?

What advice would you give to someone your age considering home ownership?

General Reflections

What are some unexpected benefits or challenges you’ve experienced related to home ownership?

Is there anything else you would like to share about your experiences with home ownership?

Good Interviewing Practices

Prepare in Advance: Familiarize yourself with your questions and the flow of the interview. This will help you guide the conversation smoothly.

Create a Comfortable Environment: Since you have a good relationship with your friends, ensure the setting feels casual and relaxed. This will encourage open dialogue.

Be Respectful of Time: Keep the interview concise and to the point, especially since your interviewees are busy. Aim for a duration of 30-45 minutes.

Practice Active Listening: Show genuine interest in their responses. Use follow-up questions to dive deeper into their answers.

Be Flexible: While it's good to have a structured set of questions, allow the conversation to flow naturally. If a topic comes up that seems important, explore it further.

Clarify and Summarize: If you don’t understand something, ask for clarification. Summarizing their points can also show that you are engaged and help reinforce understanding.

Express Gratitude: Thank your friends for their time and willingness to share their experiences. Consider following up with a message of appreciation after the interview.

Maintain Confidentiality: Assure your interviewees that their responses will be kept confidential and used only for academic purposes. This can help them feel more comfortable sharing.

By asking thoughtful questions and adopting these interviewing practices, you can gather valuable insights while maintaining the strong relationships you have with your friends."

Reference: a collection of blog notes on using chatgpt for research purpose.

Sunday 13 October 2024

A note on the evaluation of Research Interview Method based on different philosophical positions: Housing studies related

A note on the evaluation of Research Interview Method based on different philosophical positions: Housing studies related

The note is based on my dialogue with chatgpt (accessed via

My question 1: "I am an Undergraduate Housing Studies student, currently learning the subject of Research Methods. I have a question about how to evaluate a research method. For discussion purpose, if my research task is to study "how economic trends affect Hon Kong gen z males' perceptions on the relatedness of home ownership and successful life" and my research method to use is semi-structured research interview on 10 friends of mine who are all gen z males, what are the pros and cons of my research interview method from the positivism standpoint?"

The reply from chatgpt: "Evaluating your semi-structured research interview method from a positivist standpoint involves considering both its strengths and weaknesses in relation to your study on how economic trends affect Hong Kong Gen Z males' perceptions of home ownership and success.

Pros of Semi-Structured Interviews


Semi-structured interviews allow for guided but open-ended responses, enabling participants to express their views in depth while still keeping the conversation focused on the research topic.

Rich Data:

This method can yield qualitative data that provide insights into participants' feelings, beliefs, and motivations regarding home ownership and success, which can be important for understanding complex social phenomena.


You can ask follow-up questions to clarify participants' responses, leading to a deeper understanding of their perceptions.

Contextual Understanding:

The method allows you to gather contextual information about the participants' backgrounds and experiences, which can enrich your analysis.

Cons of Semi-Structured Interviews


Positivism emphasizes objectivity and quantification. The subjective nature of qualitative interviews may introduce bias, as the researcher’s interpretation can influence the findings.


With only 10 participants (all being friends), the sample size is small and potentially non-representative of the broader Gen Z male population in Hong Kong. This limits the ability to generalize findings.

Interviewer Bias:

The relationship with participants (friends) might lead to social desirability bias, where respondents may provide answers they think you want to hear rather than their true feelings.

Data Analysis Complexity:

Analyzing qualitative data from semi-structured interviews can be time-consuming and may require specific analytical skills that can complicate the research process.


From a positivist standpoint, while semi-structured interviews can provide valuable qualitative insights, the method's subjectivity and limitations in generalizability and objectivity may pose challenges. Balancing these pros and cons is essential for the integrity of your research, especially when considering how economic trends influence perceptions among a specific demographic group."

My question 2 is: "From the positivism standpoint, what can be done to improve the effectiveness of my semi-structured research interview design and practice?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "To improve the effectiveness of your semi-structured research interview design and practice from a positivist standpoint, consider the following strategies:

1. Define Clear Objectives

Clearly outline what you aim to discover through the interviews. This helps to focus the questions and ensure that you gather relevant data.

2. Develop a Structured Interview Guide

Create a semi-structured interview guide with specific questions that align with your research objectives. Include both open-ended questions for depth and closed questions for quantifiable data.

3. Use a Diverse Sample

While your current sample consists of friends, consider expanding to include a more diverse range of Gen Z males. This enhances the generalizability of your findings.

4. Ensure Anonymity and Confidentiality

Assure participants that their responses will be kept confidential. This can reduce social desirability bias and encourage honest responses.

5. Train Yourself in Interview Techniques

Practice active listening and effective probing techniques to follow up on interesting points without leading the participant. This can help gather richer data.

6. Pilot Test the Interview

Conduct a pilot interview with someone outside your main sample. This can help identify unclear questions or areas needing adjustment in your interview guide.

7. Record and Transcribe Interviews

With participants' consent, record interviews to ensure accurate data collection. Transcribing the interviews can facilitate thorough analysis.

8. Implement Systematic Data Analysis

Use a systematic approach to analyze the qualitative data, such as thematic analysis or content analysis. This adds rigor and helps identify patterns or trends.

9. Combine Methods

If possible, consider complementing interviews with quantitative methods, such as surveys, to provide a more comprehensive view and enhance generalizability.

10. Seek Peer Review

Share your interview guide and methodology with peers or mentors for feedback. They can provide insights that help refine your approach.


By implementing these strategies, you can enhance the rigor and effectiveness of your semi-structured interviews, aligning more closely with positivist principles while still capturing the richness of qualitative data. This will ultimately strengthen your research findings on the perceptions of home ownership and success among Hong Kong Gen Z males."

My question 3: "On this research interview method from me, what are the pros and cons of it from the interpretivism standpoint?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "Evaluating your semi-structured research interview method from an interpretivist standpoint involves focusing on the subjective experiences and meanings that participants attach to their perceptions of home ownership and success. Here are the pros and cons:

Pros of Semi-Structured Interviews

In-Depth Understanding:

Semi-structured interviews allow for rich, detailed responses, enabling you to explore participants' personal experiences and interpretations of economic trends and home ownership.


This method offers flexibility to delve deeper into topics as they arise, allowing participants to share insights that might not have been anticipated in the initial questions.

Contextual Insights:

You can gather context about the participants' backgrounds, social influences, and emotional responses, which are critical for understanding their perspectives.

Participant Voice:

The method empowers participants to express their thoughts in their own words, capturing the nuances of their beliefs and experiences related to success and home ownership.

Cons of Semi-Structured Interviews


Interpretivism embraces subjectivity, but this can lead to challenges in interpretation. Your biases and preconceptions may influence how you understand and analyze the data.

Limited Generalizability:

Insights derived from a small, homogenous sample (e.g., 10 friends) may not be representative of the broader population, limiting the ability to generalize findings.

Time-Consuming Analysis:

Analyzing qualitative data can be labor-intensive and complex, requiring careful coding and interpretation to identify themes and meanings.

Variability in Responses:

The open-ended nature of semi-structured interviews can lead to a wide range of responses, making it challenging to draw coherent conclusions across participants.


From an interpretivist standpoint, semi-structured interviews are advantageous for capturing the depth and richness of participants' perspectives. However, challenges related to subjectivity, generalizability, and analysis complexity must be managed to ensure that the findings meaningfully reflect the lived experiences of the participants regarding home ownership and success."

My question 4 is: "From the interpretivism standpoint, what can be done to improve the effectiveness of my semi-structured research interview design and practice?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "To improve the effectiveness of your semi-structured research interview design and practice from an interpretivist standpoint, consider the following strategies:

1. Build Rapport with Participants

Establish a comfortable and trusting environment to encourage open and honest sharing of personal experiences and feelings. This can lead to richer data.

2. Use Open-Ended Questions

Design questions that invite elaboration and personal storytelling. This approach allows participants to express their meanings and interpretations without constraints.

3. Encourage Reflection

Ask follow-up questions that prompt participants to reflect on their thoughts and feelings regarding home ownership and success, such as, "Can you describe a moment when you felt successful related to home ownership?"

4. Incorporate Probing Questions

Use probing questions to delve deeper into participants’ responses. This can help uncover underlying meanings and nuances in their perceptions.

5. Foster a Non-Judgmental Atmosphere

Make it clear that all responses are valid and valuable. This encourages participants to share their authentic views, including those that might differ from societal norms.

6. Be Mindful of Language and Terminology

Use language that resonates with participants. Avoid jargon and ensure that questions are accessible, allowing participants to engage meaningfully.

7. Reflect on Your Role

Acknowledge your own biases and perspectives as a researcher. Being aware of how your background may influence the interaction can help you remain open to participants' narratives.

8. Iterative Questioning

As interviews progress, be willing to adjust your questions based on previous responses. This adaptive approach can lead to deeper insights.

9. Use Visual Aids

Consider incorporating visual aids or prompts to stimulate discussion. This can help participants articulate their thoughts more clearly.

10. Follow Ethical Guidelines

Ensure that participants understand their rights, including confidentiality and the voluntary nature of participation. This can foster trust and openness.


By implementing these strategies, you can enhance the richness and depth of insights gathered through your semi-structured interviews. This interpretivist approach will help you better understand the subjective meanings that Hong Kong Gen Z males attach to home ownership and success, ultimately leading to more meaningful research outcomes."

Reference: a collection of blog notes on using chatgpt for research purpose.

Saturday 12 October 2024

A study note on qualitative and quantitative data gathering methods for Housing Studies dissertation projects.

A study note on qualitative and quantitative data gathering methods for Housing Studies dissertation projects.

The study is based on my dialogue with chatgpt (accessed via The account of the dialogue is as follows:

My question 1: "I am a part-time Undergraduate Housing Studies student, currently learning to do a dissertation project. My dissertation topic is to evaluate how economic and demographic factors affect homeownership status in Hong Kong, especially on home-ownership-related impacts on the quality of life of gen x. As I am going to use both quantitative and qualitative research methods in my dissertation project, I have a few questions about qualitative and quantitative data gathering methods. My question 1 is: what are the main ideas underlying the methods of (1) qualitative data gathering and (2) quantitative data gathering, with reference to my dissertation topic on homeownership?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "That sounds like a fascinating dissertation topic! Here's a breakdown of the main ideas underlying qualitative and quantitative data gathering methods, specifically in the context of your research on homeownership in Hong Kong.

1. Qualitative Data Gathering

Main Ideas:

Exploratory Nature: Qualitative methods aim to explore and understand the underlying motivations, feelings, and experiences related to homeownership. This is particularly useful for understanding how Gen X perceives the impact of homeownership on their quality of life.

Data Collection Techniques:

Interviews: Conducting in-depth interviews with Gen X homeowners can provide insights into their personal experiences, challenges, and the emotional significance of homeownership.

Focus Groups: Organizing discussions among groups of Gen X individuals can reveal shared experiences and diverse perspectives, facilitating a deeper understanding of community attitudes toward homeownership.

Observations: Observing living conditions and community interactions can add context to how homeownership affects the quality of life.

Data Analysis: Qualitative data is typically analyzed thematically, identifying patterns and themes that emerge from the data. This allows for a nuanced understanding of how economic and demographic factors influence homeownership experiences.

2. Quantitative Data Gathering

Main Ideas:

Statistical Focus: Quantitative methods seek to quantify relationships and patterns, allowing for the analysis of how demographic and economic factors statistically affect homeownership rates and quality of life.

Data Collection Techniques:

Surveys: Designing structured questionnaires for a larger sample of Gen X individuals can help gather data on demographics, income, homeownership status, and perceived quality of life. This can help in identifying correlations and trends.

Secondary Data Analysis: Utilizing existing datasets (e.g., census data, housing market reports) can provide a broader context of economic and demographic factors influencing homeownership in Hong Kong.

Data Analysis: Quantitative data is analyzed using statistical methods to identify relationships and trends. Techniques may include regression analysis, correlation coefficients, and other statistical tests to assess the impact of various factors on homeownership status.


Combining both qualitative and quantitative methods will enrich your dissertation by providing a comprehensive view of how economic and demographic factors impact homeownership and the associated quality of life for Gen X individuals in Hong Kong. Qualitative data can give depth to the numbers you gather quantitatively, while quantitative data can help generalize findings across a larger population."

My question 2 is: "Tks for clarification. My question 2 is: what are the main challenges of doing (1) qualitative data gathering and (2) quantitative data gathering, with regard to my dissertation topic of homeownership?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "You're welcome! Here are the main challenges associated with qualitative and quantitative data gathering methods, specifically in the context of your dissertation on homeownership in Hong Kong.

1. Challenges of Qualitative Data Gathering

Subjectivity: Qualitative data is often subjective and can be influenced by the researcher’s biases. Ensuring neutrality during interviews or focus groups is crucial but can be challenging.

Sample Size and Representativeness: Qualitative studies typically involve smaller sample sizes, which may not represent the broader population of Gen X homeowners. This limits the generalizability of the findings.

Data Analysis Complexity: Analyzing qualitative data can be time-consuming and complex, requiring careful coding and identification of themes. It can also be challenging to maintain consistency in analysis.

Access and Engagement: Gaining access to participants willing to discuss personal experiences related to homeownership can be difficult. Some individuals might be hesitant to share their views or may have busy schedules.

Emotional Sensitivity: Discussions about homeownership can evoke strong feelings. Managing these emotions during interviews or focus groups is essential but can be challenging for both the researcher and participants.

2. Challenges of Quantitative Data Gathering

Data Availability and Quality: Finding reliable and up-to-date quantitative data can be a challenge, especially in a rapidly changing market like Hong Kong’s housing sector. Existing datasets may not cover all relevant variables.

Survey Design: Crafting effective surveys that accurately capture the complexities of homeownership and related quality of life issues is challenging. Poorly designed questions can lead to misleading results.

Response Bias: Participants may provide socially desirable answers rather than truthful ones, leading to skewed data. Ensuring anonymity can help mitigate this, but it may not eliminate the issue entirely.

Statistical Complexity: Analyzing quantitative data requires statistical knowledge. Misinterpretation of results or inappropriate statistical methods can lead to incorrect conclusions.

Generalizability vs. Specificity: While quantitative methods allow for generalization, they may overlook the nuances and individual experiences that qualitative data could capture. Striking the right balance is essential.


Both qualitative and quantitative data gathering methods have their unique challenges, especially in the context of your dissertation on homeownership. Being aware of these challenges can help you plan and implement strategies to address them effectively, ensuring a robust and well-rounded research process."

My question 3 is: "Tks for clarification. My question 3 is: what can be done to address these challenges of qualitative and quantitative data gathering, bearing in mind that I am a part-time Housing Studies student with tight time and resource constraints?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "You're welcome! Addressing the challenges of qualitative and quantitative data gathering within your constraints as a part-time student will require strategic planning and resourcefulness. Here are some practical approaches for both methods:

1. Addressing Challenges in Qualitative Data Gathering

Structured Interviews: Create a semi-structured interview guide to ensure consistency while allowing flexibility. This helps maintain focus while also exploring interesting themes that arise.

Small Sample Focus: Consider targeting a specific subgroup of Gen X homeowners to gather in-depth data. A focused sample can provide rich insights without overwhelming time constraints.

Efficient Analysis Tools: Use qualitative analysis software (like NVivo or Atlas.ti) to streamline coding and theme identification. These tools can help you organize data and expedite the analysis process.

Online Platforms for Engagement: Utilize online platforms (e.g., Zoom, Google Meet) to conduct interviews or focus groups. This can save time and make it easier to reach participants who may have busy schedules.

Set Clear Boundaries: Clearly communicate the time commitment needed from participants to enhance engagement and respect their schedules. This can encourage participation while minimizing emotional overwhelm.

2. Addressing Challenges in Quantitative Data Gathering

Utilize Existing Datasets: Explore publicly available datasets (e.g., census data, government reports, real estate databases) that relate to homeownership and demographics in Hong Kong. This can save time and resources.

Simple Survey Design: Use online survey tools (like Google Forms or SurveyMonkey) to create straightforward, concise surveys. Focus on key questions that directly relate to your research objectives.

Pilot Testing: Conduct a pilot test of your survey with a small group to identify potential issues and improve clarity before full deployment. This helps ensure that questions are understood correctly.

Anonymity in Surveys: Emphasize participant anonymity to reduce response bias. This can encourage honest responses, improving the quality of your data.

Statistical Software Assistance: Familiarize yourself with user-friendly statistical software (like SPSS, R, or even Excel) for data analysis. Many online tutorials can help you learn the basics quickly.

General Strategies

Time Management: Create a detailed timeline for your research activities, breaking down tasks into manageable segments. Prioritize tasks based on deadlines and importance.

Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to reach out to your professors or peers for guidance or feedback. They can provide valuable insights and may even assist with resources or access to participants.

Combine Methods: Consider a mixed-methods approach where you use qualitative data to complement quantitative findings. This can enrich your analysis without requiring double the work.

Networking: Engage with local housing organizations or community groups. They may provide access to resources, data, or even participants willing to share their experiences.


By strategically addressing the challenges of both qualitative and quantitative data gathering, you can effectively manage your dissertation research within your time and resource constraints. Prioritizing efficiency and leveraging existing resources will enhance your research quality while respecting your limitations as a part-time student."

Reference: a collection of blog notes on using chatgpt for research purpose.

A study note on qualitative and quantitative data analysis for Housing Studies dissertation projects

A study note on qualitative and quantitative data analysis for Housing Studies dissertation projects.

The study is based on my dialogue with chatgpt (accessed via The account of the dialogue is as follows:

My question 1: "I am a part-time Undergraduate Housing Studies student, currently learning to do a dissertation project. My dissertation topic is to evaluate how economic and demographic factors affect homeownership status in Hong Kong, especially on home-ownership-related impacts on the quality of life of gen x. As I am going to use both quantitative and qualitative research methods in my dissertation project, I have a few questions about qualitative and quantitative data analysis. My question 1 is: what are the main ideas underlying (1) qualitative data analysis and (2) quantitative data analysis, with reference to my dissertation topic on homeownership?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "Certainly! Here’s a breakdown of the main ideas underlying qualitative and quantitative data analysis, particularly in the context of your dissertation topic on homeownership in Hong Kong.

1. Qualitative Data Analysis

Main Ideas:

Exploratory Nature: Qualitative analysis seeks to understand deeper meanings, experiences, and perceptions related to homeownership. It’s particularly useful for exploring how demographic and economic factors influence Gen X's quality of life.

Data Sources: Common sources include interviews, focus groups, and open-ended survey responses. For your topic, you might conduct interviews with Gen X homeowners to understand their experiences and challenges.

Thematic Analysis: This involves identifying patterns or themes within the data. You could analyze how factors like income, family structure, or social status affect individuals’ perceptions of homeownership.

Contextual Understanding: Qualitative analysis allows for a rich contextual interpretation of data, helping to uncover nuances in how economic and demographic factors uniquely impact different individuals or groups.

Inductive Reasoning: You may develop theories or insights based on the data collected, rather than testing existing hypotheses.

2. Quantitative Data Analysis

Main Ideas:

Statistical Approach: Quantitative analysis focuses on numerical data and statistical methods to evaluate relationships between variables. In your case, you might use statistical techniques to analyze the correlation between economic indicators (like income levels) and homeownership rates.

Data Sources: Data may come from surveys with closed-ended questions, government statistics, or databases. For instance, you could gather data on homeownership rates among Gen X and compare it with economic indicators.

Hypothesis Testing: This approach often involves testing specific hypotheses, such as "Higher income levels lead to increased homeownership rates among Gen X in Hong Kong."

Generalizability: Quantitative findings can often be generalized to a larger population, making it easier to identify broader trends. You might find significant patterns that reflect the overall demographic behavior in Hong Kong.

Deductive Reasoning: In this approach, you start with a hypothesis or theory and test it against collected data to validate or refute it.

Integration in Your Dissertation

By combining both qualitative and quantitative methods, you can provide a comprehensive analysis of homeownership:

Quantitative data can provide statistical evidence of trends and correlations, while qualitative data can offer insights into the lived experiences behind those statistics.

This mixed-method approach allows you to enrich your findings, offering both a broad understanding of the issue and a detailed exploration of individual experiences.

By clarifying these ideas, you can effectively structure your research and analyze the interplay between economic and demographic factors and homeownership status in Hong Kong."

My question 2 is: "Tks for clarification. My question 2 is: what are the main challenges of doing (1) qualitative data analysis and (2) quantitative data analysis, with regard to my dissertation topic of homeownership?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "You're welcome! Here are the main challenges associated with qualitative and quantitative data analysis in the context of your dissertation on homeownership in Hong Kong.

1. Qualitative Data Analysis

Main Challenges:

Subjectivity: Qualitative analysis can be subjective, as it often relies on the researcher's interpretation of data. This subjectivity may lead to bias, making it challenging to ensure that findings are representative of participants' experiences.

Data Complexity: Qualitative data can be rich and complex, making it difficult to organize and analyze. Identifying themes and patterns requires careful consideration and can be time-consuming.

Small Sample Size: Qualitative studies often involve smaller sample sizes, which can limit the generalizability of findings. In your case, if you interview only a few Gen X homeowners, your insights may not reflect the broader population.

Data Management: Managing and coding qualitative data can be cumbersome. You may need software tools (like NVivo) for efficient analysis, which requires additional learning and resources.

Ethical Considerations: Ensuring confidentiality and ethical treatment of participants can be challenging, especially when discussing sensitive topics like homeownership and financial status.

2. Quantitative Data Analysis

Main Challenges:

Data Availability: Obtaining reliable and comprehensive quantitative data can be difficult. For example, if detailed demographic or economic data specific to Gen X in Hong Kong is not readily available, it could hinder your analysis.

Complexity of Analysis: Analyzing quantitative data often requires statistical knowledge and expertise. You may need to use complex statistical methods or software (like SPSS or R), which can be daunting if you lack experience.

Assumptions and Limitations: Quantitative analysis relies on certain assumptions (e.g., normality, linearity). If these assumptions are violated, it may lead to misleading conclusions.

Variable Measurement: Accurately measuring variables related to homeownership can be challenging. For instance, defining what constitutes "quality of life" may vary among respondents and can complicate data collection.

Loss of Context: While quantitative data provides valuable statistical insights, it may lack the context and depth that qualitative data offers. This limitation can make it harder to understand the reasons behind the numbers.


Navigating these challenges requires careful planning and a clear strategy for both qualitative and quantitative analysis. By being aware of these issues, you can develop methods to mitigate them and enhance the robustness of your dissertation findings. Balancing both approaches can also provide a more nuanced understanding of how economic and demographic factors impact homeownership and the quality of life for Gen X in Hong Kong."

My question 3: "Tks. My question 3 is: How could triangulation by multiple research methods (some qualitative, some quantitative) be done for my data analysis, with regard to my dissertation topic of homeownership?"

The reply from chatgpt is: "Triangulation involves using multiple research methods to cross-verify findings, enhancing the credibility and depth of your analysis. For your dissertation on homeownership in Hong Kong, you can effectively integrate qualitative and quantitative methods through the following steps:

1. Design Your Research Framework

Identify Research Questions: Clearly outline the specific questions you want to answer regarding homeownership and quality of life for Gen X. This will guide both your qualitative and quantitative approaches.

Choose Methods: Decide which qualitative and quantitative methods will best address your research questions. For example:

Qualitative: In-depth interviews or focus groups with Gen X homeowners.

Quantitative: Surveys with closed-ended questions measuring economic factors, homeownership status, and quality of life indicators.

2. Data Collection

Conduct Quantitative Surveys: Start by distributing surveys to a larger sample of Gen X individuals. This can provide statistical data on homeownership rates, income levels, and perceived quality of life.

Gather Qualitative Data: Follow up by conducting interviews or focus groups with a subset of survey respondents. This allows you to delve deeper into their personal experiences, motivations, and challenges regarding homeownership.

3. Data Analysis

Analyze Quantitative Data: Use statistical methods to analyze survey results. Look for patterns, correlations, or trends related to economic factors and homeownership status.

Thematic Analysis of Qualitative Data: Analyze the qualitative data from interviews to identify common themes and insights. Focus on how individuals perceive the impacts of homeownership on their quality of life.

4. Triangulation of Findings

Compare and Contrast Results: Look for connections between your quantitative and qualitative findings. For instance:

If quantitative data shows a correlation between income levels and homeownership rates, check if qualitative interviews support this finding with personal stories about financial challenges.

Identify Discrepancies: If there are contradictions (e.g., some survey respondents report high satisfaction with homeownership while interviews reveal dissatisfaction), explore these discrepancies to understand the underlying reasons.

5. Synthesize Insights

Integrate Findings: Combine insights from both methods to form a comprehensive view. For example, you could highlight how economic factors quantitatively impact homeownership rates while qualitative data provides context about the social and emotional aspects of owning a home.

Draw Conclusions: Use the integrated results to draw well-rounded conclusions about how economic and demographic factors affect homeownership and the quality of life for Gen X in Hong Kong.

6. Presenting Your Research

Clear Structure: In your dissertation, present the results from each method separately before combining them in a discussion section. This helps to clearly demonstrate how triangulation enhances your findings.

Visual Aids: Use charts or graphs for quantitative data and quotes or narratives for qualitative insights, making it easier to illustrate the connections between the two.


By effectively triangulating qualitative and quantitative methods, you can enrich your analysis and provide a nuanced understanding of homeownership in Hong Kong. This approach not only strengthens the validity of your findings but also enhances the overall depth and richness of your dissertation."

Reference: a collection of blog notes on using chatgpt for research purpose.